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with the backup of readings, learning to trust the one who made me the courage to touch a bouquet A world-caliber Orientalist and writer Barnaby Rogerson. Inysa God my critical mind will not be penetrated by reason bulusnya, I muttered to myself. I then read.
Once finished examining the book titled "Heirs of the Prophet and the roots of the Sunni-Shia Schism" version translated into The Heir Muhammad [by removing the two sensitive words Sunny and Shia] obviously I complained and said to myself "I have lost" ,
The book is said to be the result of in-depth study for thirty years and was preceded by research on the history books as History baboon Islam by Al-Waqidi [30 volumes], At-Tabari, Ibn Saad complete with commentary. Followed by researching Kutubuttis'ah [9 books of hadith baboon] then know to detail Who is the author of the first history of the Prophet Ibn Ishak then completed with the projection of all that the Qur'an, as a baboon from all baboons it.
Rogerson, after it had the courage to start with writings about the tradition, culture, civilization until territotial Muslim countries to took time to write treveller Guide each Muslim country. After very confident with his neutrality, he too wrote "a biography of the Prophet Muhammad". About this book, I would not say anything except a sentence Rogerson himself who said that Muhammad was: 'even when Viewed in an entirely secular perspective, he remains a superhero.' = Even when viewed in perspective at all sekulerpun he [Muhammad] is still a superhero.
Once finished examining the book titled "Heirs of the Prophet and the roots of the Sunni-Shia Schism" version translated into The Heir Muhammad [by removing the two sensitive words Sunny and Shia] obviously I complained and said to myself "I have lost" ,
The book is said to be the result of in-depth study for thirty years and was preceded by research on the history books as History baboon Islam by Al-Waqidi [30 volumes], At-Tabari, Ibn Saad complete with commentary. Followed by researching Kutubuttis'ah [9 books of hadith baboon] then know to detail Who is the author of the first history of the Prophet Ibn Ishak then completed with the projection of all that the Qur'an, as a baboon from all baboons it.
Rogerson, after it had the courage to start with writings about the tradition, culture, civilization until territotial Muslim countries to took time to write treveller Guide each Muslim country. After very confident with his neutrality, he too wrote "a biography of the Prophet Muhammad". About this book, I would not say anything except a sentence Rogerson himself who said that Muhammad was: 'even when Viewed in an entirely secular perspective, he remains a superhero.' = Even when viewed in perspective at all sekulerpun he [Muhammad] is still a superhero.
Books that we Discuss this time is that he wrote after the biography above. What caused me to feel inferior is finally turns I feel compelled to say that this book is nice. I hope you do not join in with me. Because maybe I'm wrong. The British-born Rogerson orientalis is also the former British Empire soldiers, who knew he kept something. Allaah aklam.
Now is the time I say that not one paper written with all seriousness and neutrality are able to position significantly and so simple that the emergence of the term Sunny and Shia are heretics ba'da hayaatirrosuul. Not in line with the teachings of the Prophet and only fueled by the lust of power [in spite of the desire for power is driven by good intentions].
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Chapters of the most daunting is when discussing the details of the Prophet's death that triggered the beginning of the historical distinction between history ala ala Sunny and Shia. Sunny versions Prophet died in the lap of Sayyida A'isha while the Shia version of the Prophet died in the lap of Ali. Barnaby Rogerson found Hadith keshahihan the arguments of both parties the indisputable strength and logic bright. At that time, based on the agreement of all wives of the Prophet Prophet turn handed over to Aisha and Rasulullahpun indeed died in the house. On the other hand, the proximity of Ali Karramallahu Wajhah as zurriyat no doubt, Hadits2 testimony about the presence of Ali who participated in the house that the Prophet while waiting at the end of his life no doubt. Rogerson then make a conclusion: There is no obstacle whatsoever to say that both versions can be true and therefore nothing could be evidence to say that one is right and the other is lying. Should be said is that the Prophet, Ali and Ai'syah are servants of God should be glorified.
The next chapter is the end of chapter 8 of the murder of Uthman who continues with Chapter 9 that discusses the Fourth Caliph Ali. By projecting riwayat2 and tradition of Mecca and Medina to the Qur'an, Rogerson clearly explain a gap darkness behind the lust of power Al-Mughirah and Amr bin Ash are very likely to be the entry hole latent cunning enemy is the Jews to plant seeds of discord ,
Virtually all parties aware of the split seed, as evidenced by the sweet and full of enmity honor Aisha and Ali in the war at the end of the greeting Aisha Jamal To Ali, who was already captive: Thou then forgive me noble people with kemuliaannmu it. Ali KW-even with the breadth of knowledge and his love for the woman beloved Prophet glorify it by relieving and menaggung all purposes until the end of his life. Then there is no reason at all to contrast the two servants of God, let alone lifting dropping one of them.
As described by Rogerson Muawiyah as the author of Revelation and the most accomplished politicians that it is reasonable to say that the Islamic tersampaikannya to all of us today can not be separated from his services. In the chaos that Muawiyah very idea of self and indeed he refrained. But ... at the crucial moment pulp that argument does not make common sense to secretly poison "poor Puak new science and become Muslim" and ends transformed into poisonous snakes amid ummatan wahidah. They accumulated into Khawarij.
Khawarij did dikafirkan either by the Aisha, Ali and Muawiyah and were behind mengkafirkan three. Unfortunately there were piggybacking behind pengkafiran The Kharijites, who is three events: (1) Aisha distanced themselves from the affairs of political and immersed in the affairs of science, (2) Ali KW, because the killed have not been completed turmoil Caliphate, while (3) Muawiyah are confident KW that after Ali's death, no one can fend off the counterattack Christian Roman and Persian Fire Worshippers then take a shortcut to strengthen his power. Empowered him and of course Amr bin Ash and Al-Mughirah be Gubernur2 under Muawiyyah. Both of these figures remain viable is considered good and very meritorious in Islam, but can not be guaranteed to be free from the possibility of being exploited by the Jews. Given the history of both wallow in wealth and power. Wallahu Aklam bisshawab.
After that, start the lust of power play; Those who want to seize power of Muawiyah utilize Abbasid name and embrace supporters of Ali KW, while the power lust Muawiyyah family using the excuse of maintaining state power of Islam. One strength again trying to find a way berkuasaan namely Persians who harbored deep shame to ruin Yazdagir. What could they exploit? Or rather, what ammunition can be supplied to them in order to claim the power? The answer is something that is very narrow: "Ali has been underestimated, then there must be a return power to him". That poison is planted in the minds of the Persians. Therefore we are very amused by the Iranian nation today who feel more love and respect than Qabilah Quraiys Ali himself. And they called themselves the Shia = lover ahlul temple or more specifik again lover Ali power. Whatever the sentence but the goal of the "authority that should be taken. Even for themselves, obviously not for Ali and qabilahnya Banu Hashim.
The heartache, desire for revenge and the desire to retake control of the Roman Christians do not have a gap in the komplik, then the form is open confrontation which we already know the mere shape with Crushade alias term crusade. Rogersonpun wrote about it in a special book: "The Last Crusaders: The Battle for Gold, God and Dominion".
Shia strange belief is starting to sniff by themselves, then the Imam Khomainy has steadfastly pioneered proporsionalisasi position of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. Because of their belief may not be aligned with the Prophet if they continue to hate and mistakenly assume noble figures that are guaranteed by the Prophet to heaven who is lord Ali KW own. Continues with diakunya Ottoman manuscripts as the main grip. And at the same time the books began to doubt Narsis Shia and abandoned. This is the reason why an expert of the caliber of Yusuf Al-Qaradlawi have optimism that between sunny and Shia divisions will not continue forever. Allahumma ameen ameen.
Now we have to look up to the top, where the star wars blended. Where spy satellite binoculars and stalking each twisted Muslims. They have a sniff of this new direction, then they should make a new ethnic groups as a preserve. If only between Sunny and Shia one opinion and galloping with the same steps in the issue of Palestine, called Hakk ul Yakin USA, UK, France, Spain, Italy and Germany submit their Russian will not be able to protect Israel. Israel practically surrounded by Muslim countries, but none of that country that is free of divisions between Sunny and Shia. Saudi Arabia and Iran masing2 serve as generals.
Finally, I quote a hadeeth which was also cited by Barnaby Rogerson's decision when asked by Ali Abbas KW: Why do not you ask your power? He replied: If the Prophet himself is not appointed me as his successor before his death, then until the end no one will give it. He then pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr as a sign of sincerity. So it is strange if there is a people who want to seize power to be returned to him who had been let go. So that nothing should be said that the it was about to take power for himself.
Thus I learned what it is capable of writing Barnaby Rogerson, once the underlying my belief that someday Sunny and Shia will be reconciled and that the moments when the Zionist State of Israel will be wiped off the map of the world, such as Ahmadi Nejad said that always echoed by Amin Rais.
With all humility, forgive me if wrong to interpret
By: TGH.Hasanain Juani
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