A proverb says, ants across can be seen but the elephant in the eyelid is not visible. This adage often analogize that humans are smarter assess the advantages and disadvantages of others. But recognize the advantages and disadvantages of self is a difficult job and often overlooked human.
Subhaanahu wata'ala God says, We shall show them Our signs in all horizons and of themselves, so that it is clear to them that the Koran is true. And if thy Lord is not enough for you that He witnessed all things? (Al-Fusilat: 53)
There is also Atsar saying "Who knew he was going to Know God".
Of the word of God and Atsar above we can conclude how important the introduction of self. God has demonstrated His power in man. Then followed by Atsar, who knew him then he will know his Lord. This means that if someone knew him then he would think of his creation. Who else if not God created man.Man consists of three elements, soul, body and soul. All three have a role that can not be separated. Bodies without the spirit is like a tree that is dead, withered and dry. The animals have body and soul, but he does not have a soul. Humans clearly different from animals. And Allah has preferred men from being ciptaa His other, man said to be the most perfect creature.Man is the most perfect creature that God created this earth. It has a combination of properties devil and angel. One of these properties could dominate human life. If the nature of satan who dominates, he will behave like satan. He became manusai evil, vindictive, arrogant, arrogant, deceitful rebelled against Allah, and other vices. Conversely, if the nature of angels who dominate it, then it becomes a good man, obedient and subservient to God.Even if it is dominated by second nature, then humans will also not be Satan or angels. He is only human, only his behavior that looks like a devil or an angel .. People are free to choose, which one is his desire behavior. The option can only be taken if the man knew about him, either excess or kekuranganya, vices maupupun good nature.
Guava |
If you do not use reason, humans can also behave like animals, who only live for the sake of his stomach. But sometimes humans worse than animals. If an animal only needs his stomach that day. But manusai not, sometimes already fulfilled the needs of his stomach for the next few years, it still continues to invade and rob something that is not due. We certainly do not want to be like the animals, especially the lower and worse than animals.
Where the beginning of this yourself?
In the Koran says, that we are just a pile of bodies coming from semen abject. No one tanganpun in this world capable of creating human beings. If we are aware of the nature of ourselves, that we are weak creatures, if God does not help us, we are nothing nor nobody.O people! If you are still in doubt about the Resurrection, then (think) that We created you (the process in the beginning):
- of land,
- then from a drop of semen,
- then from a clot (frozen),
- then from a lump of meat perfect kejadiaanya and (some) are not perfect so we explain to you (how great creation Us),
- then (a lump of meat that) we have defined in the womb of the will (rule) We reached the specified time (approximately 9 months),
- then we remove you (from your mother's womb) as a baby,
- then you grow up,
- (then) there among you who diwafatkan (while still strong-powered) and some old fart sampi, so he does not remember anything. And (as proof of Resurrection anyway) you see the earth dry arid, then when We sirami with water (rain), the earth was alive with lush kembli growing variegated plants beautiful charming. (QS. Al-Hajj: 5)
Behold, we find ourselves this in error and ignorance, then he gave us directions. Indeed we find ourselves in the darkness, then He gives us light. Indeed we find ourselves in the confusion, and then he gave us a way out. Indeed we find ourselves is the weakness of faith, then He gives us firmness. Indeed we find ourselves in the humiliation and humility, and He gave us the glory and izzah and iffah. Indeed we find ourselves this in ignorance, then he gave us the light of learning. Indeed we find ourselves is naked, and then he gave us clothes.If that's how the process of our birth, then why do we forget ourselves? A man who does not know himself? A man who forget the essence of creation ourselves, we just came from a pile of soil and will definitely return to the ground. Siapun people, the commoners or state officials, pretty or ugly, was born in the west and in the east. We are born into the same circumstances, the degree we are equal before God
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